09 September 2024 english | deutsch
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Profits of using Video Remote systems Minimise

Amount of space

PCs are physically separated from the workplaces and connected by one fiber. The room can easier be segmented and the system frees valuable office space by displacing the PCs.

Security / Safety

PCs are in a room for servers with a limited access for authorised staff only. PCs and workplaces can be located in different buildings. No unnecessary mechanical or climatical abrasion which highers the life-span of the IT hardware. Real-time transmission without loss of quality are feasible for a distance of up to 10 kilometers.


Maintenance, service and support are managed time and cost effective in real terms. All the PCs are centralised and stay in easy accessable racks. The support team can easily access any screen / workstation at any time and from thier own desk to help their colleagues or update the software.


The relocation of a workplace or even of a division is simple, as the PCs with its infrastructure won't have to be moved. All you have to do is to switch the optical fiber-switch by a software tool or plug the fiber connector into the new location.


Fiber connections are by factors cheaper than comparable copper connections. One fiber carries a large amount of data which replaces multiple copper cables.Thanks to the small diameter of the fibers, expensive enlargement of the ducts are often dispensable. The number of screens, PCs and its licensing can be reduced by optimising the IT configuration utilising the flexibility of the Video Remote system.

Future Technology

The 10–Gbit Ethernet Technologie is available over fiber effectively. Today's installations of Video Remote systems fulfil the standards of tomorrow.

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